Since 2015, Food Producers of Idaho joins annually with the Twin Falls County Fair to honor Featured Farm Families, which are farmers and ranchers living in the Magic Valley, for their achievements in Idaho agriculture.
Farmer and rancher families living in the area of Mountain Home East and Rupert West are eligible for nomination. Click the button below to view/print a nomination form. Nominations are due by August 18.
2019 Brackett Livestock (Bert and Paula) Stoltzfus Dairy (Stoltzfus Family) Wayne Hurst Farms (Wayne) Tubbs Berry Farm (Kirk & Heidi) Winecup L Cattle Company LLC (Bill and Laurie) Ramseyer Farms, Inc. (Duane)
2018 L. Ray Stanger Sons (Tracy and Nan) 4 Open A Farm (Wayne and Samantha) R & S Pearson Farms (Rick and Susan) Matthews Land and Cattle (Eugene)
2017 Brian Kossman Requa Family Farm (Brad & Cindy) K.C. and Tracey Williams Brent & Judy Woody Knott-Run Dairy (John, Barb, Mike & Eric Brubaker) Schaeffer Farms (Jim, Dianne, Dan & Roger)
2016 Bill & Gretchen Esson Lance & Chrissy Griff Ron & Janie Griff Dave & Joyia Patrick
2015 Reed Farms (Alex & Leah) Grant 4-D Farms (Douglas & Clarice) J & D Pearson Dairy (Jim & Doris) R & S Hepworth Farms (Ron & Shala) Zollinger Dairy (Thales & Bonnie) Kauffman Farms (Clark & Debbie)